6.00am. My four-legged buddy is begging for his morning run, not to disappoint him we aim for a 6km run in my local area. It’s a cherished time that I use to gather my thoughts and plan the day ahead.
8.00am. Time to check my inbox and respond to important emails. Then to organise my appointments and make my home visits be in as much of a geographically arranged order as possible.
9.00am. Hit the road on my way to the first appointment of the day. Today, it’s an extensive art collection, with various works that need appraising prior to arranging delivery to our South Yarra office for inclusion in one of our upcoming Fine Art Auctions or Salon sales.
11.00am. Back to the office in time for a jewellery valuation appointment, with divine Art Deco pieces, stunning sapphires, and a few luxury handbags in the collection! It’s always fascinating to hear the history of where the pieces originated and who owned them; were they family pieces, jewels collected on an exotic holiday, or a legacy from a jewellery lover with an astute eye?

12.00pm. A bite of lunch, then confirm the afternoon appointments. A coffee too – I can’t go without my daily latte!
1.00pm. A flying visit to meet my next client at their safety deposit box to appraise a family collection. This one includes an assortment of watches and diamond jewellery for the upcoming Fine Jewels & Timepieces Auction in Melbourne.
3.00pm. On my way back to the office, I make a brief stop at a local picture framer to collect a recently restored artwork that has been in my client’s family for generations. It will be perfect for the Women Artist’s collection in September.
4.00pm. The late afternoon is my admin time – I always use this time to ensure all phone calls have been returned, all text messages replied to, and follow up on any further research that may be required from the day.
6.00pm. It’s time to take the dog for a walk and reflect on the day, making sure all the boxes have been ticked and that I am mentally prepped for the next day and what it might present.
7.00pm. Dinner is always family time at the table to discuss and share events of the day that was.
10.00pm. That’s a wrap!
Banner Image: Troy McKenzie, Queensland Representative Specialist
August 2023