A Fine Lloyd’s Patriotic Fund Sword of 50 Pound Value to Lieutenant Charles Menzies of H.M.S. Minerva / 1806, Formerly the Property of Sir Robert Menzies, 91 cm. long
Sold for $91,500 IBP
A Fine Lloyd’s Patriotic Fund Sword of 50 Pound Value to Lieutenant Charles Menzies of H.M.S. Minerva / 1806, Formerly the Property of Sir Robert Menzies, 91 cm. long
Sold for $91,500 IBP
This past November marks 10 years since we conducted the first catalogue auction for our Sydney salerooms...
The Sydney Opera House, inaugurated on October 20, 1973...
Sydney Born Designer Marc Newson is one of the most influential designers of the modern era...
On occasion, we find an auction purchase, whether it be a painting, bronze or a ceramic piece...